What We Offer

Connecting with others, or relationship, is the very core of God's purpose for us. Eve for Adam, people by and for Christ, parent for child, mentor for student, friend for friend. We exist to love the One who created us and to love one another, and we are to do that through serving each other. As Helping Hands was formed as an organization to serve the primary form of relationships, the family, we can do nothing without first connecting as people. Meeting, listening, learning about each other, giving of our time and resources, sharing in burdens and celebrations, building trust. Through that, relationships, is how serving is possible. Providing assistance, education, setting goals, connecting to other resources, sharing about Christ, it all has to happen through a trusting relationship. That is why our encounters with the families we serve are not transactional, but relational.


Medical & Helpful Services


Pregnancy Tests

Helping Hands provides free medically-confirmed, confidential pregnancy tests, which helps as a mother seeks Medicaid and agency assistance.
OB Ultrasounds

Limited OB Ultrasounds

We provide free, limited OB ultrasounds up to 24 weeks, under the care of a Nurse and overseen by a medical physician, Ultrasound provides an early connection between baby and parents and bring pregnancy into reality, demonstrating the need for forward-thinking and goal-setting as they plan the future for their baby. Through ultrasounds, we take what might have been viewed as a problem, shows that instead it is the miracle of life, and then walk forward with clients into this next phase of their lives.

Quit Date

Quit Date

In this smoking cessation class You work one-on-one with our nurse for a chance to become a smoke-free home and receive helpful strategies that are unique to you in order to say “yes” to health and no to tobacco. This class is three different hour-long classes during pregnancy, and six after delivery that are paired with incentives. This can be open to non-pregnant clients as well.
Childbirth Education

Childbirth Education

Work with our nurse as she educates you on childbirth and answers the questions you have!


Expectant Parent Class

The responsibilities of parenting usually require major adjustments of lifestyle and finances. The transition is often difficult. We help parents prepare for these profound changes and what to expect.
Safe Sleep

Safe Sleep

Partnering with Indiana Department of Child Services, Helping Hands delivers Safe Sleep education to anyone in the community that needs a safe place for the infant, up to one year of age, to sleep. this drastically helps to decrease the loss of life of our community’s infants.


Referral for Adoption

Each woman’s situation is unique: adoption may or may not be the right option. Helping Hands can help a woman clarify her choices by helping clients meet with and choose an agency where she will be comfortable and then walk through the pregnancy and process with her.
Bereavement Support

Bereavement Support

Families that suffer the loss of a child through miscarriage, still birth or death after life can meet with us to share about their current situation and allow us to support them through their grief.

Post Abortion Support

Post-Abortion Recovery

On average it takes a woman 5-7 years to begin to deal with the hurt of a past abortion. The aftermath of a past abortion is often dealt with in silence and secrecy. We want something different. Our staff, in a secure environment, can lovingly walk the road to healing with these women.

Material Assistance

Material Assistance

Through our #LifeTogether Program, clients can earn credits to “purchase" baby clothes, new infant car seats, new cribs, and much more. Helping Hands’ #LifeTogether program is unique; it consists of clients earning credits by attending classes and/or working towards and reaching personal goals set by the client and Client Relations Director.

Gift Cards and Gas Cards

As clients' children age out of needing diapers and wipes, they still continue to earn credits for being engaged in our programs and we want them to be of good use! Clients are able to turn in credits for gift cards, often for groceries or gas, to help alleviate financial stress.

Food Assistance

We can help a family with emergency food assistance on a one-time basis.

Emergency Assistance

For those who aren't yet established with Helping Hands, but are in need of material assistance, we can provide limited baby materials in a crisis situation. Individuals are then encouraged to get established with Helping Hands and engage in our #LifeTogether Program so they earn credits and "purchase" materials from Helping Hands' boutique on a regular basis!