January 2022 Newsletter: A Recap of 2021
February 17, 2022Bowling Night – Family Life Group
March 1, 2022One of my favorite stories to refer to when I was in the process of starting up Helping Hands is in Matthew 14. I love to read the Gospels because it paints such a clear picture of Jesus.
You know the story; the disciples are set out on a boat and they see Jesus walking on the lake. Jesus tells Peter to get out of the boat and walk to Him.
I love the fact that Peter did not hesitate, he just gets out. I am sure the other disciples thought he was absolutely out of his mind, and yet that didn’t deter Peter from his choice. The story continues, as Peter’s faith takes a nosedive, and he cries out asking Jesus to save him. In verse 31, Jesus says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” And then He rescues Peter.
I often wonder why this story is included in the Bible. It is to show us that with a strong faith we can do great things? Or is to show us that Jesus will rescue us when our faith is weak? Or is it to challenge our worldly thinking and press into the Godly things we are asked to do. What speaks to you?
Some people may see Peter’s end to the story as a failure, I don’t. He was the only one that took a risk and got out of the boat. Regardless of the outcome, that changed him. We are no different than Peter. We have a choice to get out of the boat, or to remain and ultimately remain unchanged. We are no different than Peter.
What “boat” are you sitting in right now that God is asking you to get out of? Will you? Or are you going to remain seated, gripping the sides for dear life missing out on the opportunity that God has for you. My prayer for you is to find the faith to take the first step out of the boat. I guarantee you won’t regret it.